A review by cosmith2015
Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess: Girl Genius, Book Two by Phil Foglio, Kaja Foglio



I really enjoyed the plot of this story. Travelling with a circus is the perfect way to travel under cover. She acts a bit weird?? Well that's because she's part of a circus! The characters in the circus was fun and interesting. I liked Zeetha and Agatha's relationship. There was a mutual respect between the to.

I think my favorite part was taking tropes and turning them on their head. When Zeetha and Agatha were training, Agatha listened to her Kole (aka Zeetha) when she said she wasn't ready to train with the sword. Many other series (including my favorite) would have the protagonist argue about how they were ready for the sword when in reality they were not. Another example is Agatha NOT running out to Gilgamesh when she saw him and he thought she was dead.

Needs Improvement: Way way way too plot twisty. When she was at Sturmhalten castle I had difficulties following whom was backstabbing whom.

I'm getting annoyed with all the romantic interests. It's only be ~3 months since she left Beetleburg (with no romance to speak of there) and all of a sudden there are 3 romantic interests. All 3 instantly felt drawn to her.. I don't know if it's because she's a Heterodyne or if it's because shes one of the few female sparks, but it's getting old.