A review by la_vampiresa
Black Beth: Vengeance Be Thy Name by DaNi, Alec Worley, Blas Gallego


"They shall know me by the name that I adopt! By which I swear to combat evil in all it's vile forms...A name born of the black rage that fills my heart..."

Black Beth: Vengeance Be Thy Name is my very first graphic novel that I have ever reviewed. This is also my first time learning about the Black Beth comic lore. I know she made an appearance in "1988 Scream! Holiday Special", but that's pretty much it. She is such a bad@ss. Think if Lady Sif, Elektra, Red Sonja, and Xena were combined, you would get Black Beth. Personally, this was a little fast paced and felt rushed for me. I would have loved to see her train and learn more instead of instantly gaining the strength and warrior knowledge. However, It was beautifully designed/drawn and her story was incredible. Overall, it was a fun, quick graphic novel and very easy to follow. I highly recommend this to those who enjoy strong bad@ss FMCs, tough warriors with swords, and sorcery!