A review by curiosityboughtthebook
Celestial Seepage by Brian Fatah Steele


I haven’t read a lot of cosmic horror, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect from Celestial Seepage by Brian Fatah Steele. I went into the book sort of blind, and I immediately liked it. The whole set up of the rundown, old town was great. I loved Harper’s character and all of her newly found friends. There was a lot of action in the story, but also humor and heartfelt moments. Just a really great mix of different elements to piece together a great story.

I wish there was a bit more explanation and backstory on the different characters, but I understood the essence of the book without it. It isn’t very long in itself, at just 180 pages, so I think it could have easily been fleshed out a bit more.

The ending itself was a nice one to read. We don’t get that kind of ending very often in horror, if you know what I mean!