A review by nikshelby
Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch


I gave this book a try because it was recommended to me by a librarian. Now, based on the name an the cover art, I would have never chosen this book. It looks ridiculous - I tend not to choose books that are solely "romance" (though I don't mind romance as additional throughline to well-done plot...but this didn't look like that. This looks like a bodice-ripper with little green men). Yes, I'm wrong. Yes, I'm snooty. I am a liar - I do like romance novels, just not the over-the-top porn with annoying characters and lack of a good story. Oy...that's enough of that digression.

Anyway, I tried this book because (generally) librarians are literary-aficionados, and if one suggests something it is probably worth the attempt. And she was not wrong. This book was absolutely ridiculous - but in an excellent way. It starts out with some ridiculous premises that are just fun. Then, Koch ties them into a story that is clever and entertaining. She has elements that are intelligent and well-thought out, combined with believable characters in heartwarming relationships, and all with humor.

I've read it twice, and I'll read it who knows how many times in the future...just because it is such a fun tale.