A review by shile87
Goldenboy by Michael Nava


3.5 stars

The air was clearer in the valley but there was decay here, too; but with none of the fallen-angel glamour of Hollywood. Rather, it lay in the crumbling foundations of jerry-built condominium complexes, condemned drive-ins and bowling alleys, paint blistering from shops on the verge of bankruptcy. The detritus of the good life. It was easy to feel the ghost town just beneath the facade of affluence.

I am hooked!


The writing in this series is raw,bold, no nonsense and in your face. Sometimes it is hard to get through but totally worth it. It is also sad and depressing, DC comics brody type. This one was first published in 1988, it has that authentic feel of that period.

Here Henry Rios is representing a young guy accused of murder. The courtroom scenes felt so real, the interactions between Henry and the accused were Very heartbreaking. The mystery of it all was engaging and had some twists and turns that kept me glued to the end. It is Law & Order SVU on steroids. The story also gives us a glimpse of the AIDS crisis, homophobia which was really heartbreaking to read.

I still don't really know Henry Rios, his character is still not developed. We are slowly getting a glimpse of who he is, i hope as the series continues, His character will also grow. The same goes for the other characters, they are not well developed and they often get thrown into the story without proper introduction. I like to believe that this will eventually be improved in the newer versions.

Overall it was a good story, MN knows how to write an entertaining mystery, but as a result of that some parts remained underdeveloped. I am not buying the Josh and Henry story, where did all that come from?


Looking forward to the next one.
