A review by reader4evr
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith


I thought I was going to fall head over heels with this book but sadly I didn't. Don't get me wrong, I liked it but I didn't love it but it didn't give me butterflies in the stomach which I was hoping it would.

The whole concept of the book was really interesting and it reminded me of the movie Serendipity.

I liked Hadley and Oliver. Both characters that I liked and wanted to know more about but also a great couple. Even though Hadley is 12 yrs younger than me, I could relate with her with the whole parent divorce situation. She was that kind of character that I felt like she could be a great friend. I also really liked Oliver, such a sweet boy and kind of reminded me of Etienee from Anna and the french kiss. Wasn't a fan of Hadley's dad.

In the end, I was glad that after Hadley went to see Oliver in London that he came and saw her at the wedding. I was nervous when I was down to only a couple chapters left that he wouldn't come back. I liked how some of the chapters ended and kept you wanting to read more to find out what happens.