A review by casspro
Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason by Nancy Pearl


I'm keeping this one on my reference shelf, in the case that I one day go through ALL of my books on my "to-read" bookcase (yes, I have a whole book case devoted to books I've purchased and have yet to read) and ALL my books to-read on Goodreads. Then, I'll have something to fall back on. Until that day comes, I don't think I'll be jumping to read anything that Ms. Pearl suggests. Not because they aren't good suggestions, they are, it's just that I read this a little late in the game and now I can really justify adding any more books to my never-ending list. A few of her categories are strange and all of the authors she lists as "must-reads" (and must-read everything they've ever written), I've never read, let alone even heard of. Some of her books repeat on lists, which I think is kind of cheating. BUT, I went through and highlighted all the ones I've already read, and I was pleasantly surprised that there are so many novels I have yet to even stumble across (despite wasting all my time and chancing carpal tunnel on Goodreads).

I won't delve into this the moment I need a new book to read, but when the day comes that I am completely out of ideas, I'll know where to turn.