A review by scotchneat
Darwin's Bastards: Astounding Tales from Tomorrow by Zsuzsi Gartner


Some big Canadian names in this collection of short stories meant to follow the near future into the plausible, the fantastic and the entertaining.

There's a wide-ranging number of styles, lots of sardonic humour and some interesting what-ifs. Lots of absurdity. I like absurdity.

In some of the imaginings, Canada is barricaded from the US that has devolved into a dystopian nightmare, William Gibson makes an appearance, as does Douglas Coupland, which in itself, is a big deal.

There's also an end-game version of "Survivor" (Coupland), and one future in which the only man left on the planet is Prince (aptly called "1999"). Another story that stayed with me involved a group of teens in Waterloo, ON (hey, hometown!) whose blackberries become the Delphic oracle of life.

Great bedtime reading, since you can read a story and put it aside.