A review by soapsoapsoap
Kill Her Twice by Stacey Lee


DNF @25%

Well, this was disappointing.

While I highly anticipated this and was overjoyed that I got an arc from the publisher, this just... let me down. It felt like a race through mud, and while it was nicely written at some points, at others it felt very SHOW, not TELL. To add to that, the characters were very pale. May and Gemma were simply words on a screen, not fleshed out people to me. And as another reviewer mentioned, I often forgot that the third sister even existed.

Also, maybe this was because this was an ARC or because of formatting issues with my Kindle, the amount of grammatical and formatting issues in this book was ASTOUNDING to me.

Bottom line: an interesting premise, poorly executed.

2/5 stars

Thank you to the publisher for the e-arc.