A review by heatherhy01
Awakening by Karice Bolton


Ana lives a lonely life. She only has one friend and no family to speak of. One night while working in the pub, a group of mysterious strangers turn her world upside down and what she finds is everything she has ever dreamed of, but at what cost?
This book really took me by surprise. I was not sure how much I would like it, but it turned out to be so much better than I had imagined!

The Family

I loved the fact that Ana had finally gotten the family that she deserved. I really enjoyed the times when all four of them were together, but, I would have to say that my favorite would be Arie. She kind of reminded me of Alice from Twilight. The sweet but knowledgable sister type that is everybody's friend. Except the bad guy.

The Romance

The romance was fairly quick to start and then it seemed to come to an abrupt halt. Ana and Athen had met quickly and were in each others arms fairly quickly, but, the romance basically went no further until almost the end of the book. I LOVED IT!!! The anticipation build up was perfect and actually kept me not wanting to put the book down.


Okay, so I will admit it. Matilda was the only reason that I was interested in reading this book. Well, the paranormal aspect was good too..LOL I love bulldogs and as many of you know, I have recently lost mine, so, when I saw this book. I just had to read it. Matilda only plays a small role in the story, but it was enough for me to get my bulldog fix.

The Storyline

I enjoy anything paranormal and a story about angels and demons is perfect. The suspense that is given through Ana's dreams really kept me thrown off at wondering what is real and what was simply just a dream. I thought it was an interesting take on angels with Ana's "reawakening" into herself and her new family explaining her old life to her. I very much enjoyed Ana's flashbacks/memories.

Final thoughts

I really enjoyed this book much more than I had expected. I am looking forward to reading the next one in the trilogy, Legions. The ending had me in tears and I am patiently waiting to see what happens next. Keep on the lookout for the review coming soon!

"Why didn't you ask me for my number when I was serving you?" I asked trying to sound incensed but failing miserably.

"You weren't exactly what I would call coherent during our time together earlier if you remember. I really didn't want to see what would happen if I did."