A review by undertowsoul
Kaijumax Season One: Terror and Respect by Zander Cannon


This was a pretty funny graphic novel, although not exactly for me. The majority of the references seemed to go right over my head, probably because I've never been to prison and have never watched any TV shows about or featuring prison life. The jokes I did catch and understand were pretty funny though and I loved the dichotomy between the two gangs and all of the different cronies. I also somehow want to continue just because I want to know what happens to the kids. The artwork was also great. The whole thing was super colorful and I loved the inventiveness of the monsters. This is definitely not one for kids though. Even though there's only mild swearing since everything is either slang cursing or censored, you still know what they were saying. There's not any sexual content besides innuendo but there's a decent amount of violence. Even though it's not realistic looking (it is against giant imaginary monsters after all), I still found myself bothered by it, mainly because of who much of it was against but also just the way the violence occurred. This could just be me but proceed with caution. The biggest reason I'd say this isn't for kids is because I see them having the same problem I did and, unlike me, not pushing through to the end. If you're even a tiny bit more well-versed than I am, I'm sure you'll enjoy.

I would like to thank the publisher, author, and Netgalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.