A review by meghannf
Femina and Fauna: The Art of Camilla d'Errico by Camilla d'Errico


I was particularly curious about this book as I didn’t know Camilla d’Errico’s work. Starting with the cover, from what I observed, it was going to be gorgeous. When I opened the book, the first pages were so pretty and the art very colorful that I knew I was going to be in for a treat. The artist’s style is full of surprises. It catches your eyes with its vibrant and light colors. They create an innocent and captivating ensemble. The big eyes of the characters seem to look into your soul. It is as if you can feel the character’s emotion and story. This innocence (or not in some paintings) communicated through their big light colored eyes remind me of Keane’s paintings except with animals. You can almost touch a deep personal meaning in the art.

The thing is Camilla d’Errico’s art has something creepy but cute. There an in between, a sort of balance thanks to the light colors. Just so you know I hate spiders and Camilla d’enrico) achieved the hard task of making them cute. Unbelievable!! The girl and the animals are creating an atmosphere with their relationships. It can seem like a weird mix but some works, but in the end it looks like animals seem to want to be a scarf or head accessories. It is beautiful but at the same time disturbing which is in my opinion what art should be. You can perceived the evolution of her style and paintbrush techniques. I loved how she risked changing her style. I liked the presentation of the artworks in the book. My favorite were Muffler (2016), Minerva (2017), Ferme La Bouche (2016), Butterfall (2016) and La Madre (2017). The work exhibited for specific galleries is particularly amazing!

I loooove Camilla d’Errico’s work and I’ll definitely check more of her work in the future.

I received a copy from Dark Horse and Edelweiss for an honest review.