A review by colleengeedrumm
A Tangled Mercy by Joy Jordan-Lake


This book made me want to visit Charleston, SC someday.

Never was a city so sweet on itself than Charleston.

It is our unfortunate characteristics that make any of us interesting. Those of us, I might add, who are interesting.

The past is never dead. It's not even past. - William Faulkner

Hard not to spend up the life we've got now railing at what we wish hadn't been.

The most important votes, dear, that one ever places are with one's feet.

Sometimes the people with the softest hearts can't quit beating themselves for any hurt they've caused somebody else. Keep things churned up like that, there's no place forgiveness can take a deep root.

Gullah - groan in the spirit

A life worth living is one of compassion. And a life of compassion will include many tears.