A review by katykelly
Remade by Alex Scarrow


I'm not a huge fan of gore and horror, but Scarrow has created a fantastic new series in Remade... I loved it from the first chapter. There are a pile of apocalypse stories out there currently, so it takes something to stand out.

This is a YA version, and certainly doesn't hold back from showing readers exactly how gruesome and horrific it might be - and it truly would be if our destruction came via biological means. Here, a virus.

But not only do we watch the hellish and unbelievably fast (and graphic!) effects of this virus on humans (and cows, and birds), we have the rather stunning look at the perspective of the virus, there is a little science in there but not too much for those who have yet to take their GCSEs. I thought these chapters were brilliant, as we are treated to a look at how a virus lies dormant, spreads, infects. From its own point of view. Marvellous.

And ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING. So much death, chaos, fear. It was good to close the pages and look at the peaceful world around me every now and then and remember it is all very unlikely to happen.

We follow one particular family as the rumours, the internet gossip, then finally the official announcements are broadcast, and one by one (in very quick succession), governments and countries go quiet.

Leon, sister Grace and their mum are our witnesses to the action, and their family saga meshes with the drama around them, with moments of poignancy. I want to know what happens next...

Very, very gruesome. Not for readers who don't like blood (and indeed guts), those who do will lap this up. I would say it's for secondary aged readers, and has themes excellent for discussion in science, PSHE, even geography.