A review by lindzy
Talon by Amanda Greenslade


Original Review Here

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A fantasy novel with soul-bonds and various types of magic meant Talon sounded right up my street. I was looking forward to reading it even if just because it’s rare animal-bonds are made with creatures such as tigers. While I enjoyed Talon, I felt it got stronger as it went along.

When I focus on what the plot is truly about, it’s the standard boy-becomes-man story as Talon must learn what he is capable of and accept responsibility with his new powers. This world was refreshing original though and although I have read soul-bond stories before, this had a few new twists. Mainly the fact that once bonded, both Rada and Rada-kin (man and beast) could then shape-shift into any form they desired.

The characters were standard for this type of novel. Talon was likeable but made rash decisions, giving him the chance to grow. Sarlice was a capable warrior, but felt downplayed a lot and Lira was the typical temptress who gave me a bad feeling from the beginning.

The second half of Talon was stronger than the first. There were times during the beginning when I felt overwhelmed by the way the magic was being described and what the bonds meant. It felt as if there should have been a subtler way of explaining what was happening but the pace of the plot meant there wasn’t time.

Some of the description also was misleading. Lira was described as being a “pale frightened girl” when we are first introduced to her character. Talon himself is only around nineteen years old, so is hardly a man. When Lira then announces she is seventeen, it was jolting to find there was very little difference in their ages, yet Talon is becoming a man and Lira still a frightened girl. The actions between the two of them also made little sense until the ages had been clarified.

Overall, I enjoyed this book though. It was full of adventure and magic and soul-searching (both literally and metaphorically). While there was a little confusion at times, it didn’t put me off the story and I will be happy to read the following book to see how things play out.