A review by sevireads
The Ones Who Look by Katharine Duckett


"The one on the left cradled an ocher jar in her hands, held out toward the viewer. The one on the right held out her hands as well, though they were empty, the fingers crumbling away into dust. And the one in the center, her limbs twined about with snakes and ivy, offered up a half-eaten fruit that might have been an apple, or a pomegranate. Where her lips should have been there was a kermes stain, a shade lighter than her skin.

“Pandora. Lot’s wife. Eve.” Henri walked forward, indicating each figure in turn. “The women who can’t help seeking, and bring destruction when they do."

I have to admit, the beginning of the story made me fear it would take a different path than what was described in the blurb, but luckily it did not disappoint - this is not so much a story about how to make it to heaven, but rather discovering a sinister truth beneath the promised perfect paradise. As with most of the Tor Shorts that I have read and loved, I'm conflicted over whether I wish there was more or not - as much as I want to find out more, I still think the ending works perfectly.