A review by lifeinthebooklane
The Athlete by Elin Peer


When opposites meet and find that they aren't as different as they first thought

Whilst the Men of the North Books can all be read stand alone, I do think that having read at least the first few books of the series would really improve your enjoyment of this book. The Athlete is Hunter's story, he was one of the young male Nmen who attended the first cross-border school. The series, if you don't know it, is set in a dystopian future and much of the background to the world is contained in the first couple of books of the series.

I have read and loved every book I have read by this author, her characters have depth and personality and their emotions become your emotions. Hunter and Emanuela's story didn't disappoint, and there were plenty of little twists to the tale to make it feel fresh and original.

I loved how atypical a Motlander Emanuela was, it was also quite funny that she didn't appreciate the boot being on the other foot! She was so very much more used to being the one causing, rather than taking, offence. I didn't feel quite as much of a connection to Ema as I did to Hunter, but this was because of the paradoxical nature of who was more in touch with their feelings and emotions. It really brought a different feel to both the book AND the series, I love how it's constantly evolving and doesn't get stale or same old, same old.

Hunter quite simply made me melt. Who knew he had such a soft heart and caring nature under all that rugged manly Nman-ness? He totally made this book for me, he was swoony, sexy, alpha, caring and sweet all wrapped up in one gorgeous package. Oh the subtle changes that attending the mixed school has had.

Jonah, Ema's brother, really brought something special to the story too. I loved his scenes with Mila, so cute and funny. Best of all was his 'chat' with Hunter and Solo at the wedding. Wise words and advice we could all follow!

There were some wonderful glimpses of 'friends' from previous books and hints at future pairings. I am so looking forward to how THOSE stories play out. I really don't know how she does it, but this is yet another amazing book by Elin Peer.