A review by git_r_read
The Tinderbox: Soldier of Indira by Lou Diamond Phillips, Yvonne Phillips


Thank goodness for Audible and 'Since this is in your library, you might like this' [words to that effect] feature or I might not have found this to listen to. I probably would have eventually since it's written by a favorite 'one of my boyfriends' Lou Diamond Phillips. I didn't know he authored books as well as acted.
It's a good story, a space opera, based loosely on Hans Christian Andersen's book, The Tinderbox. It's a bit loosey-goosey in the telling, but I enjoyed myself. It took me a bit to like the main character, Everson, but he grew on me. It's a growth tale, watching him go from reluctant soldier and spoiled brat to being a much better person. There's evil to fight, warring kingdoms, reluctant prince, a princess in need of rescue, prejudice..plenty to keep the reader/listener going.
I can recommend this book and this author.