A review by booksreviewsandprocrastination
Batman Begins by David S. Goyer, Christopher J. Nolan, Denny O'Neil


This was awful, and that is the tea.

Let me make some things clear: First, I loved Batman Begins, even though I don't a lot of it. It was a Christopher Nolan movie, and it was awesome.

Second, I expected a script-to-story kind of thing with this; this was not that. This was awful. This is actually contesting The Vampire's Tear.

Now, what was awful: There was nothing in this. No emotion, no suspense, no delivery of dialogue, no nothing. Let me include some excerpts to make you see what I mean:

Bruce couldn't sleep that night. He remembered his life after Joe Chill killed his parents. He was so unhappy and so angry. He went from school to school and university to university.
So this is the full extent of your feelings about your parents dying!??!?!

His old friend, Rachel, comes to the house. She is an Assistant District Attorney - an important lawyer in Gotham now.
'Wow!' he thinks when he sees her. 'She is so beautiful.' They drive to the prison.

Underwhelming gets a new definition with this book.

At the police station, Sergeant Gordon's boss was very angry.
'Who did this to Falcone?' he shouted. 'Find him fast! The police look stupid because of him.'
'I think he's trying to help us, sir,' Gordon said.
'We don't need his help!' shouted his boss.
'Well, I think we probably do,' thought Gordon. But he didn't say anything.

This book was written for 8-year olds.

Suddenly white smoke came out of his bag.
Falcone tried to shout but his nose and his mouth were on fire. Water came out of his eyes. He saw horrible things in front of his eyes. Crane quickly put the mask back in his bag and shut it.

I've read bad fanfiction that describes hallucinogens better than this.

Bruce looked around the room and saw that he didn't know some of the people there. They weren't his friends. They were Ninjas!
His guests were in danger. They had to get out fast. What could he do? He took a glass and shouted, 'Let's drink to my birthday! Let's drink to all my guests! You don't like me, do you? You're here because you like my money. You just want some free food and drink!'
The guests were very upset and angry. They left the house at once. They got in their cars and drove away.

'Upset and angry'.....'at once'....what beautiful writing, isn't it?

Wayne Manor was on fire.
'Have you come to kill me?' Bruce asked Ra's.
'No,' said Ra's. 'I've come to ask you a question. Will you join us?'
'Never!' said Bruce. 'I don't want to be part of this.'
'Then fight me,' said Ra's, 'and die with Gotham.'
He took out a sword.
They fought and fought until finally Bruce stood over Ra's with his sword above Ra's head.
'You taught me very well, Ra's,' he said.
Fought and fought.......

Rachel gave Gordon the antidote and he slowly started to feel better. The people from the asylum were shouting and coming nearer. They were feeling bad from the white cloud. Suddenly they started running towards Rachel and Gordon.
'Oh no!' thought Rachel. 'They're going to kill us.'

Well, yes, Rachel, of course they're trying to kill you.....have you only just realised!?!?

Soon all the bad guys were in prison or out of a job. The people of Gotham began to build their great city again. Everyone wanted to work together now.
That's it?!?

And then, this copy of the book had the gall to tell me:
Hope you have enjoyed the reading!

No, no, I did not enjoy the reading.

I did not like it, the voices were awful.....the narrator was doing a botched-up job of Batman's deep voice, Gordon sounded weak and frail....it was just awful. I've read awful fanfiction (albeit of the MCU) that was better written than this.

I hate to say this, but in this case, the movie was tons better than the book. I have a feeling that the comics must have been much better, but this was just awful.

I can only recommend it to 8-10 year-olds. This book was not for me. Full-stop.