A review by ostrowk
The Best American Essays 2018 by Robert Atwan, Hilton Als


Here were my two favorite essays from BAE2018:

—Leslie Jamison's "The March on Everywhere" (https://harpers.org/archive/2017/04/the-march-on-everywhere/2/) about the the Women's March, but more broadly the shape of activism in one's life
—Kathryn Schulz's "Losing Streak" (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/13/when-things-go-missing) about 'loss', mostly that of her father

I loved several more. An essay about a memory of a UFO, for example, changed the way I think about the relationship between parents and children. Others I skipped or skimmed; it's hard, I imagine, for an essay collection by various writers to please every reader every time. Plus, I don't have the stamina I did when I was younger and in college and trying to prove that I could, should, and would learn everything about everything. Still, BAE2018 reminded me that an essay I wouldn't otherwise read can surprise me. Maybe this reminder will push me to tackle the downright insulting pile of New Yorkers in my kitchen. Probably not.