A review by tsilverman
Future Eden by J.M. Morgan


While this was an easy read, it was a very poor ending for the series.
Spoilers below:
First of all, Sagamore dies within the first couple chapters of the book. Really??? He spent half of book 2 struggling for life and overcame his sickness and survived a bear, only to be wiped out in two seconds by a flood??? And then in the same first few chapters, John Katelo is killed too?! Look, I get that the new world poses a lot of hardships for everyone, but killing off the two best characters in the beginning of the finale is just not the way to go.

Seth's story was not wrapped up well. Neither was Willow's (TJ Parker came and she knew she would what, live happily ever after with him?). What happened to the people in the biosphere in Wales? What about Zechar? Did he make it back to his people? What happened to the people Brad left behind in Kansas? WE DON'T KNOW.

But the absolute WORST part of the ending was that we don't know if the bone marrow transfusions worked on a single person! The book ended with some sort of bullshit along the lines of ~we have to live our lives fully every day so that it doesn't matter if we die tomorrow~ Well if you have that attitude YOU COULD HAVE LEFT THE BIOSPHERE IN IN BOOK 1!!! I want to know what happens to these stupid characters I got to know. Does Jessica survive? Is the able to make the polyamourous relationship with Quinn and Brad work? Does Quinn survive? Do any of the children survive? Are Trinity and Sidra able to keep up the biosphere on their own?

There's another novel's worth of questions to be answered but since the trilogy was all it was ever meant to be, we'll never know those answers. Although from the lack of reviews, it looks like I might actually be the only person who cares anyway.