A review by carolsnotebook
A Cruise to Die for by Aaron Elkins, Charlotte Elkins


A Cruise to Die For was a nice escape from our cold winter. Imagine sailing around Greece on a luxury yacht surrounded by the rich and famous and beautiful artwork – even with the vandalism and murder it sounds way nicer than freezing in small town Ohio.

Alix is a the daughter of an art forger who has served time in jail and is now out. She is an art restorer with a connoisseur’s eye. Her knowledge of art and the art world is why the FBI have recruited her to go on the cruise, she can discuss the art intelligently while keeping her eyes and ears open. She’s a bit bumbling in her spying, but who can blame her. There’s way more going on than she was aware of. In addition to the Ponzi scam, we’ve forgeries that are vandalized, a couple of murders, a smuggling ring.

The mystery itself is okay, although a little overshadowed by the characters. It somehow felt complicated and simple at the same time, if that makes sense. The clues and red herrings kept me guessing who it was, but then once the whodunit was established, I felt like I should have realized it all along.

See my whole review at Carol's Notebook.