A review by fieldsandfeels
Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality by Sarah McBride


Okay, so…I think Sarah McBride is a wonderful advocate for trans rights, which is why I wanted to kick off my trans rights readathon with her memoir. However, I found myself disengaged from it in many ways. From the beginning, she is clearly very ensconced in the traditional political machine, which I find both disappointing (though admittedly that’s on me, as I knew that going in) and entirely uninteresting. I was hoping for a little more person in the storytelling, but instead we got a well organized but boring account of her coming out followed quickly by her early career days, which actually appeared to have been smooth and easy, without rancor. While that is a great story worth telling - let’s hear it for trans joy! - the narrative fell flat. Even walking through *SPOILER ALERT* her partner’s cancer diagnosis, becoming a caretaker to him, and ultimately his death, was told with clinical precision and little heart. As a political candidate she has my support, but this memoir is clearly just a cog in the engine fueling her political career.

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