A review by anthroxagorus
Riverdale #2 by Andre Symanowicz, Joe Eisma, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Janice Chiang, John Workman


Boring. Issue 2 didn't take advantage of Riverdale's vibe, it's just a weird fanfiction of Riverdale/Archie. Do we have to use that channel to talk about sexuality? Banned books? Pass.

This wasn't a bad story but it didn't deliver on its promise. This comic could have been so much cooler like expanding on the "where so many things go wrong in what seems like a perfect, pure world" that Archie's tends to be. I thought it would try to go deeper in the horror-side. Riverdale opened with a murder, explored the darker sides of the characters. This comic could have done that. It's just a space to talk about whatever issue the writer wants.

Plus, the art was... bad. Weird angles, weirdly drawn characters. I cannot redeem this comic, even if it was a Breakfast Club allusion.