A review by carroq
Altered Carbon: Download Blues by Rik Hoskin, Richard K. Morgan


Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was familiar with Morgan's sci-fi setting before picking this up. This addition does a pretty decent job of hitting the main points about what makes it unique so that new readers won't feel completely lost. This is a side job of sorts for Takeshi Kovacs, the star of Morgan's setting. It doesn't really add anything to his history, but it round out the setting a little bit by showing what life is like on another planet.

The story itself seems like pretty standard fare for this pseudo noir setting. As such, it didn't strike a big chord with me. The art is a little bit of a let down. It's not bad by any means, but the character drawings weren't the best. I really like the backgrounds though. And the actions sequences were pretty decent.

This is a great introduction to the series because it gives the reader everything they need to get started and it doesn't require a lot of commitment.