A review by arilaurel
The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities by Ching-In Chen


After many dog-eared pages, I have to give this book a solid 4 stars. It's a fast read, and if you're looking for specific information on best practices, accountability processes, support networks, there are a lot of clear how-tos and useful examples that will be part of important considerations in the future. If you're looking for stories of personal experiences that explain the nuances of abuse as it intersects with queer identity, disability, race, the justice system, or immigration status, that's there too. I'm a skeptic of transformative or restorative justice, but there were enough strong ideas here for me to engage with them. I did not read the entire book closely. I flipped through and found what I needed, and it gave me more than enough to think about.