A review by eloiseinparis
A Choice of Crowns by Barb Hendee


read the first book in this series and absolutely loved it. I was looking so forward to this book, only to find myself disappointed. It is a standalone book so you do not need to read the first in the series. It was the same premise of a young woman given the opportunity to see how her life would turn out given 3 choices, the problem was unlike the first book we only got to see about a year into the future of each choice. That made it feel like 3 unfinished short stories.All three choices were crap, there was no way to avoid major suffering. I liked that. Olivia had a much tougher choice than her predecessor. However I wish we at least got to see how her life played out with the choice she made. Instead we were left with a cliffhanger, and since the next book features a new heroine we will most likely never get know what happened to Olivia. I wish as much time that was spent setting up Olivia’s story had been spent wrapping it up.