A review by adammm
All the Stars in the Sky by Sarah Lyons Fleming


4.5 rounded down. An extremely strong conclusion to a series that started quite poorly. I am actually rather impressed - many of my issues with the first book were ironed out by the end of this book, including the rather weak writing (although it remains a weakness). This is by no means a romance - though Reddit told me otherwise, which is why I started the series in the first place - but it contains some interesting gestures towards the genre and ends with a happily ever after. The final pairing is not something I expected either, yet it makes perfect sense. Very nicely done.

I think my big issue with this series is that the author was a little scared of killing off major characters. After the snoozefest of the first book, I was quickly able to figure out who was going to die and who wasn't. The author also struggles a bit keeping track of large casts of characters: certain characters vanish for long periods of time before reappearing again, even though they were technically present the entire time. I am also a bit annoyed that the epilogue ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but I suspect that will be resolved in the next series.

And before I sign off, a strength of this series is that it traces the zombie apocalypse from beginning to (presumable) end. I feel like most zombie books show the beginning, or shortly after the beginning - but this series does a nice job of bringing us from Point A to Point Z(ombieless future).

Anyways, yeah, I'm pleased I stuck out this series and I'm very curious about the other series by this writer in this same world. Although some of her books are like 700-900 pages long. I don't know if I'm THAT curious... But yeah, definitely worth a read.