A review by tumblehawk
You Pray for Dry Weather at the Sight of the Sun: A Strand Essay by Michael Kazepis, J. David Osborne


I really enjoyed this “strand essay” and how it uses the video game Death Stranding as a portal for weaving through meditations on life, meaning, and fatherhood. If there’s one very big interest in my life that I have very few people to bond with over, it’s video games. I didn’t have as visceral and emotional a response to Death Stranding as JDO did, though the game was very interesting and enjoyable to me—but the way he writes about the game and how it collided with (and propelled/infused) his own mythopoetics and meaning-forging really resonates with me. Games are games, and they’re more than just games, too. They can come into our lives at particular times and leave indelible impressions. I’ve been wanting to write about a couple experiences of my own of that sort, and was really inspired by reading this.