A review by nixwolfwood
The Book of Bart by Ryan Hill


I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'll be honest, I got halfway through this book and stopped reading it for a while. Not because it wasn't good, because holy crap balls this book is hilarious. It's also well written and I loved the characters. Even Bartholomew. I had some things occur, and I put it on hold. I didn't want that to affect my view, so I put it off.

Finally, I decided to suck it up and finish it. I started the book over. ...I can't believe I ever put it down in the first place.

This book is freaking hilarious. I was SNORTING in public. At one point there was Dr Pepper coming out of my nose.

There's also a ton of action and a good deal of drama. One thing to note is that it's definately more of a mature YA read.

Absolutely loved the ending. It was perfect and fantastic. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

I suggest you pick this one up immediately and read it, because it was freaking ... gah! I highlighted so many parts!

5/5 Platypires