A review by hollowspine
Can I See Your I.D.?: True Stories of False Identities by Paul Hoppe, Chris Barton


A neat collection of ten true stories of deception. Some of which I'd heard of before, and a couple new to me. The aspect of this book that struck me the most was the way the author chose to present the stories. Rather than just giving the information, and telling the stories as a narrator, Barton pulls readers into the story; by using "You," in describing the characters and their stories he lets the reader momentarily don a disguise of their own and put themselves into the identity of another.

One of the main questions of the book was, "Who are You," which was clever and worked well with the stories he chose. You could be anyone, from a boy obsessed with trains to a couple running to freedom. What is your disguise? At the end of the book the reader even gets to play at being Barton himself.

A thought-provoking, if brief, book.