A review by rick_k
Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft by Greg Bear, Nancy Kress, Elizabeth Bear, Ann Leckie, David Brin, Jennifer Henshaw, Seanan McGuire, Jack McDevitt, Allison Linn, Blue Delliquanti, Robert J. Sawyer, Michele Rosenthal


This is an anthology greater than the sum of its parts. Each story is quite good, but a good anthology is assembled and edited with purpose. Future Visions pairs strong fiction writers (including [a:Elizabeth Bear|108173|Elizabeth Bear|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1422586829p2/108173.jpg], [a:Mira Grant|3153776|Mira Grant|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1380320279p2/3153776.jpg], [a:Ann Leckie|3365457|Ann Leckie|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1402526383p2/3365457.jpg] and [a:Robert J. Sawyer|25883|Robert J. Sawyer|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1224975910p2/25883.jpg]) with computer scientists working on "moon shots" for Microsoft. It is rare that a scientist is able to distill their understanding of a subject into a narrative that makes it available for the masses. Einstein's thought games and the work of Asimov and Sagan are precious glimpses into the frontiers of science. By pairing writers with researchers we get to assemble windows (Microsoft pun intended) into the future. I truly hope this is only the first of a series from Microsoft and an inspiration to other researchers to share the worlds they see.