A review by charshorrorcorner
These Evil Things We Do: The Mick Garris Collection by Mick Garris


THESE EVIL THINGS WE DO is chock full of disgusting, weird, obsessed people. I loved every second of it.

This is a collection of novellas followed by a final short novel. Each one of them is unique:

FREE-Are there any moms out there that can honestly say they've never thought of just walking away? Maybe just jumping into their car and driving away for awhile? This is the tale of one woman who did.

UGLY-A story of a really terrible plastic surgeon. Well, he's a good surgeon, but a terrible person. And ugly people do not have the right to live, tarnishing his personal scenery.

TAYLOR'S THIRD ACT-This was my favorite novella. It was totally insane but kind of hilarious all at once.
The sentence "I'm home base." made me laugh so freaking hard.
I'm pretty sure that statement won't reflect well on me, but hey: it was funny!

SNOW SHADOW-A student and a professor both fall for the same teacher. That never ends well.

SALOME- This novel was a tragic story of a marriage turned bad. But even if spouses can no longer stand each other, that doesn't mean they no longer love each other, does it? This had an excellent mystery at its core and it was fun to unravel.

Prior to being offered this ARC from Fangoria, not gonna lie: I hadn't heard of Mick Garris. I've since researched him a little bit and now I'm not sure how I've never come across his name before. I've surely come across some of his films, (now that I know they were his.) Regardless of his film work, this volume stands as evidence that the man can write a horror story. Or 5, as the case may be.

HIGHLY recommended!

*Thanks to Fangoria for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest feedback. This is it!*