A review by cupofbooksreviews
Parasite Life by Victoria Dalpe


I received this book in exchange for an honest review. I have given Parasite Life by Victoria Dalpe four out of five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Trigger Warnings: sexual content (not consented) and self harm
I gave this book a high marking as I really enjoyed what I read. I liked Victoria's writing style and her take on the vampirism genre. There was a more realistic sense and tone to how a real vampire would be viewed and act. They are, in basic terms, parasitic monsters which have been sexualised and romanticised, although this novel includes those aspects it also shows the realism behind the everyday struggles that a vampire has with the outside world.
I found Jane's character fascinating. At times I really liked her but then at others I really disliked her, mainly for the troubling actions that she instigated throughout the book. For the most part, I tried to put myself into her shoes and realise that she's never experienced this before, it's all new and scary to her which helped to try and connect with the main character more. Sabrina was a really nice touch to Jane's life and I really enjoyed reading about their relationship and how they became friends with one another. This is probably one of my first books where its included an LGBTQ+ female female relationship-esque trope! *gasp* I honestly don't know how I haven't read one sooner, but I really enjoyed it. I loved their connection and attraction for one another, despite the heavy reasons behind Sabrina's infatuation with Jane.
I really enjoyed the comedic touch in this book especially little moments between Jane and Sabrina. One in particular tickled me when they're comparing themselves to Edward and Bella from the Twilight Saga.
Overall it was an interesting, brutal and honest YA Horror/Fantasy book which I really enjoyed and would recommend to anyone who enjoys the same genres to pick this one up.