A review by nglofile
Don't Get Caught by Kurt Dinan


4.5 stars. High jinks and humor. It had been so long since I read a book cover-to-cover in a single day. What fun.

Joe Schreiber calls this novel "Ocean's 11th Grade," and that is a rather brilliant way to capture the draw in three little words. A motley group of uncool kids are set up by a secret society known as the Chaos Club, but rather than retreat in their notoriety, they use it to band together and instigate a prank war. The teen characters are relatable, smart yet flawed, and the action is fast-paced and near cinematic. Unofficial leader Max is a devotee of heist films, and his invoking of pop culture touchstones gives the reader just enough to tease the inventiveness without stealing any of the enjoyment.

With short chapters, high energy, and the mix of shadowy conspiracy with underdog tale, this is a winner for a variety of teen and adult readers.