A review by bottleofink
The Quest for Paul's Gospel by Douglas Campbell


I got this book because I've seen some interesting references to Douglas Campbell's work and figured before digging into his monstrous The Deliverance of God I would get this earlier and shorter work to sort of get into his mindset. However, this was a poor choice on my part I think.

This work is a tad outdated by now (2013); at multiple points he mentions N.T. Wright's work but says it is largely inaccessible, because this book was published before Wright published much of his work on Paul. As such it does not engage much with any newer arguments and insights that have been made since.

Where Campbell shines here is his destruction of the typical Protestant Justification by Faith model of salvation in Paul. He lays some groundwork for his own position, which he dubs the PPME model (pneumatological-participatory-martyrological-eschatological), but only in bits and pieces (though, in my view, very good and promising pieces). His rereading of Romans as a diatribe is particularly fascinating and his interpretation of Galatians and reading the dikaio- terms in liberative terms are likewise things that gets one really thinking.

I look forward to reading DOG, because it is both much more recent, and because it seems to articulate his position more fully.