A review by megdenman
The Cloud Road by Isobelle Carmody


Divine. I loved this story and the accompanying illustrations. It offers the younger reader such gentle wisdom. My favourite quotes from the book include Bily's delight in travelling for the first time: "But how could he have known what it would be like to lie under the vast sky, blue as the egg of a fire lizard in the daytime, or black, with the enormous white moon shining down surrounded by glimmering stars. How could he have guessed how his heart would thrill at the occasional slash of brightness when one of the great boulders that sometimes fell, passed burning overhead. How could he have imagined the loveliness of seeing Zluty smiling at him from the other side of the campfire as a shower of sparks whorled upwards?" I love too Zluty's maturity when he acknowledges "I think I can talk to the diggers better now because I think of them differently...When I was at the cottage, I thought of diggers as simple creatures without many words. Maybe that's how the cottage diggers were, but maybe that is only what I thought, and thinking it stopped me seeing anything else."