A review by 8ambeerpong
Savage Gerry by John Jantunen


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. This was the first book I have read by this author and it won't be the last.

Two big things stood out for me: first was the locale descriptions. I find many authors tend to over-describe but John didn't do that. He just gave enough of each location to give you a feel for it, then your imagination fills in the blanks. This is the type of locale description I enjoy most by authors and John nailed it.

Second were all the characters. I don't know how he did it but every single character that was introduced had me begging for more. He was able to create many interesting characters - some of whom lasted a few chapters, others who were only in for a brief mention and not referred to again. Either way - every character felt real, and had a story to tell and I loved that.

Oh and of course my favourite part of the book was a certain character in the medical centre with the book. I won't say anything else but that's one of the best scenes I've read in a book and I loved that so much.