A review by sunshine608
Rush by Lisa Patton


I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Having worked in a Greek Life Office at a Large SEC school, the main theme of this book was/is very interesting to me. Although I no longer work with the population, it is very interesting to me especially in contrast with Black sororities that I amore familiar with. I learned enough of the lingo that I understood most of what was going on, but the author gives great description and backstory to help those unfamiliar with Panhellenic Recruitment.

Overall the 90% of the story was hard to put down. I found myself trying to read snippets anytime I had downtime because I was so drawn into the story. I did not care for the ending- it reeked of white saviorism and that was almost enough to turn me off the book until I read the authors notes/story.

My biggest complaint with the book was the Ms. Pearl character. At times she seemed like a trope- a modern day version of someone from the Help. I felt that her character just didn’t really ring true. At first she “read” much older than 44 and she just really seemed like a caricature. At times I think the story could have been told from the Wilda/Callie POV and been just as good an effective.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story. I liked the Wilda/Callie POV and the overall pace of the book. I almost stopped and put it down after reading the first chapter ( Ms. Pearl) but I’m glad I kept on- until the last chapter with everything wrapped up in a neat and tidy bow