A review by diaryofthebookdragon
Alien Tango by Gini Koch


The second book is the one that decides if I will continue with the series if it was murky after the first one. Happy to say this one was even better than [b:Touched by an Alien|7283762|Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #1)|Gini Koch|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388505181l/7283762._SY75_.jpg|8498290]!

✔ The quirky narration that I loved
✔ Heroine has the crazy complex plans that always go wrong. Or is it worse when they work as she intended? Only her team knows. The one with the crocodiles was my favorites. And yes, crocodiles appear in the plot. They are not just cover decoration. :D
✔ Love triangles cleared up.
✔ A lot of non-stop action and fun.
✔ Love the relationship between Kitty and her male BFF Reader:
"Still love you best."
"I know, same here. Working on turning straight, I swear."
"Promises, promises."

✘ Not much depth, but it's like complaining how BigMac has no vitamins. If you wanted a healthy meal, what the hell are you looking for in McDonald's?

The second book in Katherine "Kitty" Katt series, definitely earned it a permanent spot in my TBR. At least until I devour them all. xD
Recommended if you are looking fluffy and fun sf/uf romance for these tough times.