A review by intothevolcano
Good Food for Bad Days: What to Make When You're Feeling Blue by Jack Monroe


Thanks to Pan Macmillan / Bluebird and Netgalley for the ARC!
Not all of the recipes were to my taste (I have a personal vendetta against corguettes), but I really appreciated the frankness here. This is a very open, and honest book - I empathised with just how difficult it can be to cook for yourself sometimes, and it was a relief to see recipes presented which acknowledged this reality. As my tastes in food (and cooking habits) are quite predictable, I found the "just bung it in the oven" (paraphrased!) and sweet stuff chapters most relevant, but I earmarked recipes throughout the book. As the recipes themselves are simpler, I'm more likely to actually attempt to make them. I definitely got lots of meal ideas and inspiration from Good Food for Bad Days, even if I'll change up some of the flavours. It also made me feel the urge to buy a bullet-style blender!