A review by thinde
Empire of Bones by Terry Mixon


DNF 56%

I had the feeling I'd read this before, not because that was true but because it was so unoriginal. I kept waiting for some trace of the new. It didn't help that the audio narrator voiced the princess with a piercing high tone more suitable to a toddler than a woman.

My breaking point came when the group's chief scientist started examining and explaining the highly advanced relics discovered on a dead ship. Science and engineering were almost totally lacking. He simply had to look at a gun to know that the projectile would travel at Mach five and then goes on to explain that its rounds had fins for stabilization (at supersonic speeds?). He then finds a plasma rifle and claims it could probably fire through suit armor, simply because it is plasma... no idea of the plasma's containment, density, or energy level but straight to assumptions. There was much more but you get the idea. I get annoyed when science fiction ignores "science" almost entirely.