A review by andrueb
The Governance of China by Xi Jinping


This book is probably the last place you'd look to learn about how China "really works". You're reading reflections of China's propaganda machine, just as you would if you read the speeches of any world leader. Nonetheless, this is a great way to begin to understand how Chinese citizens understand themselves and their government. I was obsessed with China for much of this year, and found this to be an interesting addition to more journalistic/objective/economic/historical sources I was exploring at the time.

Xi Jinping comes across as very learned and measured. If you know anything about modern China, it's easy to see him straining to tow the party line and shellac over the most horrific aspects of the CPC's history. It's also impressive that he manages to do this so effectively. Xi is a compelling figure and would shine in any society. He just happens be the one manning the helm of one so wacky as modern China.

The book is exhaustive and, by its nature, repetitive. The edition is actually really beautiful, and I love the communistic simplicity of the design. It is what it is. I got what I wanted out of it.