A review by atrailofpages
So Many Beginnings: A Little Women Remix by Bethany C. Morrow


I LOVE Little Women, and so I was excited to read this remix of the story. This is more of an historical story of the March family who were once enslaved and no longer are. They are living in the Freedmen’s Colony on Roanoke Island and experiencing life and doing work they enjoy, such as Meg and her teaching.

I always love stories about family and sisters, which is why I’ve always loved Little Women. This one was definitely a remix. The way it played for all the girls was different when compared to the original and so it caught me by surprise.

Jo has always been my favorite. Love a girl who is brave enough to speak up and express her opinion, and plus I love how blunt she is! I adore her and Lorie’s relationship. Such good friends that could be more.

I actually liked Meg in this one since I always found her a bit dull, but what I appreciated in here is that she knew what she wanted and went for it, she didn’t care what others thought of her, or what her sisters thought. She had a goal and she fought for it.

Beth’s story was similar with her being ill, but she didn’t allow that to stop her reach her goals.

Then Amy, I always found her a bit annoying, and she still kind of is, but she was more tolerable and actually really funny in this remix. She loves dancing and goes to a bigger city to pursue her passions. Another March girl that has a goal and fights for it.

All in all, I really enjoyed the story. I didn’t know about some of the history in this book and appreciated learning more and it makes me want to do more research on this bit of history. I will say I felt like the end was very rushed. It had such good pacing through the book until the end where everything just suddenly came together and it ended.

If you love Little Women, I recommend this one! I received an advance review copy for free(thank you NetGalley), and I am leaving this review voluntarily.