A review by krisrid
Monty Python Live! by Graham Chapman


If you're a Python fan [I say "if" because, apparently, there ARE people out there who aren't - I know! I was shocked too!] you'll probably get a bunch of laughs out of this book.

Basically, it's the recollections, reminisences and "behind-the-scenes" stories of the Pythons in their early days. All of their memories are gathered and edited together so you get all the Pythons memories of the same event or time-frame together so it's a 360 view of that moment.

It's kind of like all the Pythons kept a group diary documenting all their crazy experiences as they travelled the world, acted nutty, had fun, and became famous. There are tons of photos and verbatim scripts of some of their most famous and funniest bits through the years.

It's a fun read. If you are any kind of Python fan, this is worth a read.