A review by pauh94
Vengeance Bound by Justina Ireland


Oh boy, how do I explain this book...

the story
The story was an amazing idea, how could you survive if you had an insinct to kill bad people and the ability and help to do it quickly and without consecuences (kinda)... would you do it? would you fight it? would you try and find a balance?
It is a fantastic idea, original and crazy. It was perfect...

the characters
Cory: (lets just call her that taking into account through most of the book our MC answers to this name), who is our troubled MC... I tried loving her, I tried understanding her and at first I did, I mean, I would SOOOOO kill the bad guys, the people I KNEW didn't regret it, even if saying this means I have a God-complex, I would do it. I feel it's the right thing to do... now... the way Cory would alternate between feeling good about it and feeling like it was an unwanted duty, it was confusing. I would understand if our MC was confused, like, if she didn't know what was the right thing to do... but our MC knows it's the bad thing to do considering the fact the Furies are BAD and killing-lust-driven mythical creatures... they would end up controlling her for good and all hell would be loose...
So, why didn't I like our MC? Her weakness, her indescision and her incapability to make a decision and keep that path.

Niko: Okay, Niko was... I would have put him as the guy the girl doesn't choose in a love-triangle, right? you know, the guy who is a good option but just doesn't have that OPMH that makes you love him... He was bland and was one-sided (he's only described as having gorgeous eyes, but anything else Irleand? NAAH, he's just the love-interest, why would we want to know anything else about him?)

I didn't like any of them, they were all horrible people,even Cory says so (not that she's mutch better, thank you very much)

the end
OH EM GEE; really?
I'll just say the ending was the most disappointing thing EVERRRR. Our heroine has NO PART IN IT, it kind of HAPPENS to her, and yeah it might be considered a good ending, but really? It was NEVER up to the heroine. The book's like mocking you and saying: "You know how I put Amelie/Cory as your heroine? Well, there's no special thing about her
except she was kidnapped and so on the verge of dying of rage and angst and pain and sadness and literally dying she called the furies and also she almost died when she was a kid (on another occasion, it seems Amanda/Cory was very wanted by death) but her cousin died in her place (an accident, really, the cousing wanted to help but drowned), so oooops she's KIND OF different, but again, being kidnapped and almost dying accidentally is not up to you, is it?
and I could have put just about ANY-FUCKING-PERSON in her place, but oh well, she was there..."

That's it, don't go reading this book expecting a masterpiece like I did, just... expect a great idea ruined by a bad writer....