A review by errantdreams
Moon Shades: Crack the Ice by Lee French, Erik Kort


The authors keep up their ability to create infuriating characters who yet have some depth to them. Sean is seriously nosy, and gossips like the stereotypical little old lady, but he also keeps trying to ship Chavali and Eliot, which is actually kind of adorable. Chavali’s tendency to be “difficult” is treated as something of an affectionate joke in here (the humor in these books is always affectionate toward the characters, which I love), but she also starts to realize that maybe the excuse is wearing thin a bit. The character growth is gentle yet sure. I like that while it aggravates people that Chavali is so close-mouthed regarding her clan, her nightmares, and so on, that reticence is also reflected in her ability to keep the secrets of the Fallen, both collectively and individually.

The authors are great at asking more questions than they answer, but always yielding enough information that I’m willing to wait to see what happens next. I feel confident that these aren’t just dropped plot threads, because Kort and French are so good at going back to explain things that don’t add up. I look forward to reading further books to find out what’s really going on in the larger machinations! That said, given that in the last book Chavali specifically noted that even her dreams lack colors, I wish she’d made more of the fact that she’s suddenly had a nightmare in vivid color. It felt slightly overlooked, at least for the moment.

I can’t wait to read more!

Original review posted on my blog: http://www.errantdreams.com/2019/01/review-moon-shades-erik-kort-lee-french/