A review by huncamuncamouse
Boy Heaven by Laura Kasischke


3 stars boosted because Laura Kasischke is such a good writer. So for whatever reason, I didn't realize this was a YA novel, despite the title and seeing a small thumbnail of the cover when I requested it from the library. It was the last novel by her I hadn't read, but honestly, it seems pretty mature in style and themes for a YA reader--reminiscent in voice and descriptive detail of Jo Ann Beard's In Zanesville and Jayne Anne Phillips's Sanctuary, although there's more melodrama here.

I wouldn't quite call this a thriller, but there's an undercurrent of violence and simmering sexuality set against the backdrop of cheerleading camp (I personally would have been more interested in a general summer camp, but whatever). What made this book special was Kasischke's voice and the brief chapters that weave through time; some readers will think these chapters are tangential, but they actually serve to deepen the character and her friendships. Ultimately, the middle section dragged a bit, and I wanted to spend a little more time reflecting on the twist . . . which kind of goes against the point of a twist ending, but given this absolutely crazy thing happened, it seemed kind of lame to just give this reveal and be like, "okay the end."