A review by ashryn
Poseidon's Wake by Alastair Reynolds


There are a lot of great things about Alastair Reynolds' writing, but the one that most impresses me right now is that he doesn't lazily copy chunks of previous stories into the current one as if his readers are too stupid to either notice, or remember the previous story. He expects, and quite rightly, a certain level of intelligence in his readers, and if you can't remember what happened in the lat book, read it again or lookup a plot summary, he doesn't slow down the story with recaps for the lazy or distracted, the story is crafted for the fully engaged reader.
Having said all that, before you read this, if it's been a while, go and re read the Akinya novels, though the story stands alone, the historical background of the family and human endeavours helps to place current events in context.
I enjoyed it a lot.. As I enjoy all his books, but as it's the third book, I won't go into details. Chances are you already know what Reynolds' worlds are like, but if this is your first taste, I'd recommend visiting some of his earlier work first.