A review by iamdwg
The Belial Stone by R.D. Brady


The weirdest part of picking books based solely on recommendations from the book you read last is that you might end up with a book that is just like the last. That’s what I got for the most part with The Belial Stone by R.D. Brady. This is a conspiracy thriller that covers the same exact topics as The Atlantis Gene. Well, maybe not each and every topic, but weirdly enough, quite a few of the same ones at least…which I was really worried about when I started reading this because I wasn’t the biggest fan of the last book I read. I didn’t want a repeat experience…thankfully though, that wasn’t the case.

The Belial Stone has a stronger focus on the story that it wants to tell, which is centered strongly under anthropological writing, mixed with conspiracy theories involving Atlantis, and discarded religious texts that used to be studied thoroughly before the Christian church randomly decided to toss it out – basically you have a few main characters that are on the race for their life as these…inhuman assassins uncover a burial site with monoliths depicting the end of the world. Our main characters have to fight them off before they try to skip to the end of times.

I can’t help but compare these two books because they have a lot in common, mostly in the Atlantis aspect. They go into depth about ancient civilizations and the history of our species – and for a minute I forgot I was even reading a different book, because it was covering word for word – the same things. Then it went into its own thing and what I respect the most is the very fact that it doesn’t try to be more than what it ultimately is. It’s not overly-ambitious – it covers two basic things and maybe mentions other conspiracy points – but for the most part – it’s its own story. That is something I can really expect (and am able to follow more closely.)

It did take me a bit longer than I thought it would to finish this book, but that’s not because it is written badly. Every time I read it, it was more or less a page turner. The only reason that it took me so long is just because I’m a busy guy…that’s it. The book is a great page-turner filled with interesting perspectives and theories, loveable characters, and a memorable plot that does make me wish to continue reading the series. Is it my favorite book of all time, not by a long shot, but it’s a very decent book that can and does grab the reader’s attention.